culture of war

The new media such as Internet give ordinary people the opportunity to be actors and not just audience of the events that change history. Unlike previous media, it allows for interaction with the content and communication with others, and this can be on any level, including the global.

The new media, for the first time in history, makes globalization accessible to those who had no global power in the past, transforming the old adage, "act locally, think globally" into "act locally, act globally". The globalization of social movements and the globalization of local authority have greatly increased their potential to promote a culture of peace.


Can the new media support the development of a new United Nations?


Knowledge and communication at the level of the individual have no effect by themselves. Unless they are able to act together within institutional frameworks that develop new forms of power based not on force but on a culture of peace, individuals cannot change history.


Can the new media help develop alternatives to the state?


Social movements and local authorities may be able to develop a culture of peace at the local level, but if this is not linked up and organized at a global level, the states and their representation in the United Nations will simply overwhelm the local effects with their global culture of war.


What is your proposal for promoting a culture of peace, one person at a time?

culture of peace