culture of war

There is an idea to reform the United Nations so it would be based on local authorities represented on a regional basis, instead of being based on the Member States. This could effectively remove the state's culture of war from the agenda of the world organization and allow it to work for a culture of peace.

If they were liberated from the constraints imposed by the Member States, the United Nations and its specialized agencies would be able to carry out all the necessary global management functions within the framework of a culture of peace.

A United Nations free from the state would be so different from today's United Nations, that some may say it would require the invention of a totally new world organization.


Are there moments of history when the state system can be replaced?


The state would put up great resistance to its power being replaced by local authorities! It's hard to imagine how could this be overcome, unless, that is, it were to take place at a moment when state power was greatly weakened.


Social movements as promoters of the culture of peace.


Why would local authorities be any more likely than the state to promote a culture of peace if their representatives were running the UN? Wouldn't they need to be linked to social movements in order for this to happen?.


What is your proposal for achieving peace through the United Nations?

culture of peace