culture of war

There is a rich tradition of revolutionary movements, but they have been organized along the lines of the culture of war: violent and secretive with authoritarian decision-making. Such organization cannot produce a culture of peace.

A revolutionary movement for a culture of peace would have to adhere to all the principles of the culture of peace, including nonviolence, the free flow of information and democratic decision-making.

At this point we are on the frontiers of history, as there is not much precedent for a revolutionary movement like this.


If revolutionaries are open, how can they avoid being crushed?


One of the principle purposes of the internal culture of war of the state is to crush revolutionary movements by force. It would seem to make this even more likely if a revolutionary movement were nonviolent, open and democratic.


How can we prepare to survive an economic collapse without a fascist solution?


In a time of crisis, people are likely to be attracted to the fascist solution because it promises jobs and food on the table when there are none available.


What is your proposal to change the course of history?

culture of peace