culture of war

The collapse of the American empire and the global economy, predicted in general by the laws of history, is predicted in detail to occur as early as the year 2020 by the eminent peace researcher Johan Galtung.

The next economic collapse could well be similar to the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed. Only this time, the consequences could be much worse because more people live in cities, and there are fewer small farmers who can produce food without needing to use oil, which will no longer be available.

To survive a collapse of the global economy, we need to greatly increase the capacity of small-scale local agriculture and prepare for mass migrations of people from the city to the countryside.


How can we convince people to invest in local food production?


The "big money" that dominates mass media and national government policy is invested in "industrial agriculture" which is dependent on oil, and it resists attempts to change policies in order to favor small-scale local agriculture instead.


How can a positive vision be provided?


Psychology shows that fear is a poor motivator, so it is not useful to frighten people with the prediction of a global economic collapse. Instead, people need to be motivated by a positive vision for a better world.


Should we prepare for an economic collapse, and if so, how?

culture of peace