culture of war

The study of history shows that empires rise and fall, that economic and political systems rise and fall.

This dialectic of history has continued in recent centuries, whether because of world wars (state systems collapsed after World War I and World War II) or because of economic collapse (state systems collapsed in the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Soviet empire collapsed in economic crisis at the end of the 1980s.).

Traditionally, there is a name for those who prepare for the transition to a new system to replace an old system when it collapses during a crisis. They are called "revolutionaries".


Can we prepare for a revolutionary transformation to a culture of peace?


Revolutionary movements in the past have been organized along the principles of the culture of war. When they have won, they have installed a new state based on the culture of war, often worse than the one they had replaced.


How can we prevent the "fascist solution" to the next global crisis?


More often than not, the "solution" to economic or political collapse of the state has been the "fascist solution" which is the extreme case of the culture of war.


What is your proposal to change the course of history?

culture of peace