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Writings of Karl Marx

Writings of Karl Marx
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game administrator Jun. 13 2019,18:22
Readers' comments are invited on this topic.
Red-Metta October 20, 2009 /b>
It is evident that Marxism is a very complexed set of arguments, weaved together within the general context of social reform through revolution.  In a very real sense, the end justifies the means.  But the 'means' employed by Marxian thinking, should not be treated (as it is often the case), as a perfect dogma, that has no capacity for improvement or refinement.  Part of the problem resides in the dichotomisation of 'Marxism', (in its various guises), and the prevelant and hitherto successful 'Capitalist' system.  Inshort, the latter is seen to be working, (regardless of the abstract concept of 'fairness'), whilst the former, although historically viewed as existing via the USSR, the PRC, and possibly Cuba, has either collapsed, morphed into a Capitalist State, or has been embargoed to the margins of world affairs.  

Traditional Marxists (and not those adhering to Gramsci), have not had much of a coherent response to these changing events.  However, two clear intellectual positions have become clear; 1) Marxist theory must be adhered to stronger than ever, as though it were a religion without a god.  2) The collapse of Coomunist rule in the USSR, and the development of blatant Capitalism (free of the hindrance of Democracy) in China, are the results of Marxist thinking not being applied correctly, or as Marx 'originally' intended.

The latter view has led to a concretisation around every word Marx has written, as though something were amiss with the orignal interpretations that have obviously failed in their attempt to build a