Statement for Cuba
Le PCF n'est plus solidaire de Cuba

Statement for Cuba

Athens Meeting 19-20 June 2003, SolidNet, Tue June 24, 2003
mercredi 25 juin 2003.

The following parties participating in the meeting of Communist and Workers parties that took place in Athens on the 19th and 20th of June 2003, express their solidarity with the Cuban people and its heroic struggle for the defense of national independence and sovereignty ; the socialist system of Cuba and the achievements of the Cuban people, despite the intensification of the blockade and imperialist hostility.

This campaign against the Cuban socialist revolution and its achievements is led by the Bush Administration, which calls for an international crusade for the overthrow of the socialist regime using as a pretext the ëliberation í of the Cuban people and the supposed restoration of ëhuman rightsí. In this campaign the EU also participates actively, now, more than ever before by subordinating to the policy of the Bush Administration, to the pressure and extortion against Cuba.

Faced with this coordinated attack and considering the possibility of a military aggression against Cuba, the participants in the meeting declare their readiness, in solidarity with the longsuffering people of Cuba :

-  To develop in their countries a broad and effective campaign of solidarity with the Cuban People, defending it against the escalating imperialist aggressiveness

-  To denounce the unjust practices of the economic, commercial and fiscal blockade against Cuba ; practices that violate elementary human rights

-  To further project in their countries the achievements of the Cuban people through political and cultural manifestations and to intensify bilateral exchanges and visits.

-  To demand from the governments that follow a hostile policy towards Cuba the lifting of all restrictions in the bilateral relations, and which must be developed on the basis of mutual respect and non-intervention in internal affairs.

-  To intensify protests against the unjust imprisonment of the 5 Cuban patriots in the US, for anti-terrorist activities, and for the right of their relatives to obtain visas in order to be able to visit them

Endorsed by :

Communist Party of Albania Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism Communist Party of Armenia Communist Party of Australia Communist Party of Austria Democratic Progressive Tribune ñ Bahrein Workersí Party of Belgium Communist Party of Brazil Communist Party of Britain New Communist Party of Britain Bulgarian Communist Party 'Georgi Dimitrovª Communist Party of Canada Colombian Communist Party Communist Party of Cuba AKEL-Cyprus Communist Party of Bohemia Moravia Communist Party in Denmark Communist Party of Denmark Communist Party of Egypt Communist Party of Finland Communist Party of Greece Hungarian Workersí Party Communist Party of India Communist Party of India (Marxist) Tudeh Party of Iran Iraqi Communist Party The Workersí Party of Ireland Communist Party of Ireland Communist Party of Israel Communist Refoundation Party Party of the Italian Communists Workersí Party of Korea Socialist Party of Latvia Lebanese Communist Party Communist Party of Luxembourg Popular Socialist Party of Mexico Party of the Communists of Mexico New Communist Party of the Netherlands Communist Party of Norway Portuguese Communist Party Romanian Communist Party Union of Communist Parties-CPSU Communist Party of Russian Federation Communist Workersí Party of Russia - Party of Communists of Russia (RKRP-RPC) Communist Party of Slovakia Communist Party of Spain Communist Party of Peoplesí of Spain Sudanese Communist Party Communist Party of Sweden Syrian Communist Party Syrian Communist Party Communist Party of Turkey The Party of Labour (EMEP)-Turkey Communist Party of Ukraine Union of Communists of Ukraine Communist Party, USA Communist Party of Vietnam New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

Athens, 20 June 2003 _____

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